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A device that sucks in and filters ethylene while releasing purified air

Showcasing a display stand that extends shelf life by 30%

At Macfrut, "Mago", the Italian branch of the Polish multinational, showcased a method to extend the shelf life of fruit by a third in a natural way directly in the points of sale.

"This display stand absorbs ethylene through a series of slots along the metal profile of the frame. It purifies the air as it also absorbs bacteria and spores, releasing filtered - and thus purified - air. The Polytechnic of Milan, and Professor Alberto Cigada in particular, was involved in the project," explains the inventor, Cristian Ciani.

Tests were positive for bananas, pineapples, apples, pears, avocados, kiwifruits and melons, i.e. fruits with a high ethylene emission. The air is constantly sucked in, filtered and released to prevent humidity from stagnating.

Cristian Ciani and Matteo Muscogiuri.

"The solution comes with a contract to change the air filter every six months, which actually can be replaced by anyone without the need for a technician," explained sales manager Matteo Muscogiuri.

The stand was viewed by many operators from big retail chains and high-end stores. It can be customized with wooden or sheet-metal sides, cart holders, etc. and needs 100 W to operate.

"The stand improves shelf-life, helps maintain the aesthetic characteristics of the fruit for longer, lowers waste and counters microbial contamination."

For more information:
Mago Italia
Matteo Muscogiuri
Via del Fresatore 7/2
40138 Bologna
Tel.: +39 051.4846356
Email: [email protected]

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