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Paul van Groningen, Hudepa:

"Spanish stone fruit harvest varies significantly by region"

The Spanish stone fruit season has kicked off. "Stone fruit is always a challenging category. The weather plays a significant role, and there's almost always either too much or too little on the market. This year is no exception," says Paul van Groningen, who works in Spain with his wife Maria Elena as an independent commercial agent.

"Cherries are available, but the harvest varies greatly by region. Many early varieties were ruined by rain a few weeks ago. This week, Northern Spain was hit by considerable rainfall again, causing several growers who had started enthusiastically to finish early. However, in other regions, there is still some product available," Paul explains.

"We see the same situation with apricots. A heavy rainstorm and you're set back for a while. Paraguayo peaches are currently more available, as are nectarines, while the availability of peaches and apricots is a bit more challenging. It's a daily task to coordinate what's available and from which region in an attempt to keep the customers satisfied," Paul continues.

"Watermelons have also been available for several weeks now. Almeria is in production, and the first growers in Murcia are starting up again. The market demand is quite good. Moreover, Verna lemons are doing well. A slice of lemon in a summer drink is always a hit," Paul concludes.

For more information:
Paul van Groningen
+34 611 537 616
[email protected]

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