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Greenhouses make millions in Novosibirsk, Russia

Novosibirsk stands out in the retail market of fruits and vegetables for its large producers. The produce seen on local supermarket shelves often originates not just from local greenhouses, but also from other regions of Russia and occasionally from abroad.

One of the most significant players in the greenhouse vegetables and greens segment in Novosibirsk is the federal group of companies known as "Gorkunov". This company owns several large greenhouse complexes including Tolmachevsky, Obskoy, and Novosibirsky, collectively capable of producing substantial volumes of vegetables and greens not only for the local market but also for retail chains across Russia. A crucial factor in Gorkunov's success is its long-term partnerships with major retail chains, ensuring stable orders and high utilization of production capacities.

Retail chains such as "Magnit", "Lenta", and others play a pivotal role in distributing greenhouse vegetables and fruits in Novosibirsk. They not only procure produce from manufacturers but also actively develop their private labels. This strategy allows them to control pricing and maintain competitiveness in the market.

Novosibirsk Oblast is a leader in greenhouse vegetable and greens production beyond the Urals. Here, both major players and smaller enterprises operate, specializing in specific crops or organic production.

During summer, the market encounters challenges due to the cheap imports of foreign vegetables, prompting local producers to adapt to fluctuating market conditions.


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