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David Baxter with Bard Valley Natural Delights

"Sustainability is central to everything we do"

Natural Delights® is attending this year's Organic Produce Summit (OPS), which takes place July 10-11, 2024, and the company will showcase its range of organic products and merchandising displays.

A highlight of the event will be the participation of Natural Delights' director of marketing and business development David Baxter as a featured panelist on Thursday, July 11 in the "Biting Into Organic Fresh Snacking Opportunities" session. His insights on the evolving trends and opportunities within the organic fresh snacking sector are eagerly anticipated, promising to provide valuable perspectives to industry professionals.

Natural Delights is dedicated to improving soil health, enhancing biodiversity, and more.

"Sustainability is central to everything we do. With nearly half of our fruit coming from farms certified regenerative organic, we're dedicated to improving soil health, enhancing biodiversity, and reducing our environmental impact," said Baxter.

As part of its sustainability efforts, Natural Delights is also looking into studies to investigate the operation's carbon footprint. Preliminary data suggests that the carbon offset provided by the company's date palms may make its operations carbon-negative. This initiative emphasizes the brand's commitment to organic standards and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Left: a look at one of the Natural Delights displays; right: David Baxter.

Natural Delights will be represented by members of both its domestic and international sales teams. This presence underscores the brand's dedication to expanding its global footprint and meeting the rising demand for organic products worldwide. The team will be available to discuss market trends and explore opportunities for collaboration with potential partners.

Natural Delights invites OPS attendees to visit the company at its booth, #311, to learn more about its products, sustainable practices and approaches to organic farming. The team looks forward to engaging with partners, customers, and industry peers to discuss how it can continue to drive the organic movement forward.

For more information:
Bard Valley Natural Delights
[email protected]

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