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Panama Canal Authority enhances its operational capacity

The Panama Canal Authority has declared an enhancement in its operational capacity, initiating an increment in the number of daily transits from 32 to 33 starting from 11 July. This adjustment is set to escalate further to 34 daily transits by 22 July. This decision aligns with the anticipated and current water levels in Gatun Lake and the arrival of the rainy season within the Panama Canal Watershed.

These incremental adjustments will result in the addition of two transits to the existing schedule by 22 July: an increase in the Panamax locks to 25 daily transits and in the Neopanamax locks to 9 daily transits. Moreover, an elevation in the draft from 45 to 46 feet has been announced, taking effect from 15 June.

The Canal's administration has committed to ongoing monitoring of meteorological conditions to adapt operational strategies as necessary, responding to fluctuations in rainfall within its watershed.


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