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Minister Mahinda Amaraweera highlights significant rise in consumption

Sri Lanka aims to increase fruit production by 2027

The Ministry of Agriculture in Sri Lanka has set targets to elevate fruit production to meet the growing domestic demand and decrease reliance on imports. Minister Mahinda Amaraweera highlighted a significant rise in fruit consumption, reaching 12.8 million tons in 2023, and outlined the government's strategy to augment yields of bananas, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, and passion fruits. This initiative responds to the challenge presented by the current consumption rate, which surpasses the nation's production capabilities, with an annual requirement estimated at 19.6 million tons.

Acting Director General Dr. Kamani Ranatunga detailed the production targets for 2027, aiming for substantial increases in the yield per hectare of key fruits. The strategy includes adopting advanced agricultural practices such as variety and hybrid breeding, high-density planting, integrated pest management, and enhanced nutrient management to achieve these objectives. Minister Amaraweera stressed the importance of self-sufficiency in fruit production to mitigate foreign exchange expenditures on imports, citing it as a national priority.


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