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Kenyan avocado export focus shifts to China

In a strategic pivot, Kenyan avocado producers are increasingly targeting the Chinese market, leveraging the Kenya Ports Authority's (KPA) logistical support to tap into a potential consumer base exceeding 1.4 billion. This move comes as Kenya commenced avocado exports to China in August 2022, following prolonged negotiations, witnessing a significant uptick in trade volumes. According to Chinese customs data, Kenya's avocado shipments to China saw a tenfold increase in 2023, with imports escalating to 4,324.1 tonnes from 443.6 tonnes the previous year. The surge is attributed to the high-quality Hass avocados produced by farms like Acacia, which meet both Chinese market and European Union standards.

KPA is actively devising innovative logistical solutions to decrease transportation costs from various Kenyan regions to the Mombasa port, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of Kenyan avocados in the global market. KPA's initiatives include prioritizing the loading of avocado shipments and minimizing bureaucratic delays, thus ensuring timely and cost-effective exports. Collaboration with the Vertical Agro Group for the transportation of avocados from the Acacia farm via reefer containers to Mombasa port is among the measures being finalized to bolster export efficiency.

With a focus on the Hass variety, stringent quality control measures are in place to address challenges such as pest management, crucial for maintaining export standards. KPA's commitment to facilitating seamless export processes underscores its role in supporting Kenya's agricultural sector's expansion into international markets.


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