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SENASA's workers' strike puts Peruvian ginger and turmeric exports at risk

Peru's ginger and turmeric sector is worried about the National Agrarian Health Service (SENASA) Workers' Union's indefinite national strike that started on Monday, June 24. The Proginger Association, which represents companies in the sector, has expressed concern about the effects of this measure: "The issuance of phytosanitary certificates is crucial for the export of our products. Its interruption puts the entire ginger and turmeric production chain at risk. It affects farmers, workers, companies, and the economy of thousands of Peruvians."

Proginger has asked the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation (Midagri) to intervene to promote a constructive dialogue to solve the conflict quickly. The association has reiterated its commitment to the sustainable development of the sector and its willingness to collaborate to overcome the current situation.

SENASA has assured that it's taken the necessary measures to ensure the continuity of its operations throughout the country despite the strike. Through a statement, the entity highlighted its openness to dialogue and that it recognizes its workers' labor. SENASA also stated that the Labor Management Authority has declared the strike inadmissible, but emphasized the importance of dialogue to find a favorable solution for all parties.


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