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Termotécnica introduces biobased packaging in Brazil

At Hortitec 2024, Termotécnica unveiled its DaColheita Bio packaging, marking the company's initial venture into utilizing alternative materials derived from renewable and biodegradable sources. The launch represents a strategic move towards diversifying its material matrix, with the inaugural products being horticultural trays made from sugar cane bagasse, an abundantly available agricultural waste in Brazil, which is also compostable.

Albano Schmidt, the president of Termotécnica, views this as a strategic evolution for the firm, which has been active in the packaging sector for over 60 years. "Termotécnica is a company providing packaging solutions that has always invested a lot in sustainability and innovation. We are attentive to the global movements to expand the use of materials from renewable sources and bet on a medium and long-term strategic plan to diversify our material matrix and provide complete solutions, anticipating the demands of our customers," he stated.

The DaColheita Bio line, developed in collaboration with a selected supplier, comprises four sizes tailored for the fruit, vegetables, and legumes (FLV) market, emphasizing durability, moisture resistance, and the ability to extend shelf-life while aligning with the Save Food Initiative principles.


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