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Nicolas Marraud des Grottes, president of UGPBAN

Highly appreciated and anticipated event

On July 4th, the Guadeloupe and Martinique Banana KM97 Charity Event took place in Saint-Loup-Géanges, in eastern France. Nicolas Marraud des Grottes, president of UGPBAN (Bananas of Guadeloupe and Martinique Producers' Union), looks back on the events that took place during this stage of the Tour de France, and explains the importance of this partnership for French bananas.

The banana, favorite fruit of athletes
"Thanks to its many benefits, the banana has always been the favorite fruit of sports enthusiasts," explains Nicolas Marraud des Grottes. "After Hurricane Dean hit the French West Indies in 2007 (which affected banana and sugar cane farms), French bananas came back in force with the support of renowned athletes such as track-and-field champion Christine Arron. "This 'sporting' image is almost part of the banana's DNA, which naturally led UGPBAN to sign up with the Tour de France 7 years ago to support a "very famous and important cause."

Right: Nicolas Marraud des Grottes, president of UGPBAN

Growing popularity and strong summer sales

Today, French bananas enjoy great popularity because they have been able to reach out to the general public, through participation in events such as the Tour de France. "We are much appreciated and eagerly anticipated. People who come to cheer on the cyclists recognize us. This is no coincidence, as UGPBAN organizes dedicated events at each start and finish town: a quiz, a podium with animation by Popote (the brand's mascot), bananas and goodies offered to the public. Bananas from Guadeloupe and Martinique are also offered to the cyclists in person at the start of every stage.

Along the route, 3 banana booths (1 fixed and 2 mobile) welcome the public for a moment of sharing. Bike-smoothies, souvenir photos and other surprises await Tour fans. UGPBAN is also rolling out communication operations in supermarkets and retail stores throughout the sporting event (ribbons/stickers, paper and digital displays, fruit presentations).

According to the president of UGPBAN, this popularity and recognition is "extremely important for Guadeloupe and Martinique, for the sector and for the 500 producers." During the summer months, bananas tend to be penalized by the arrival of summer fruits. "But these events and promotions help boost sales at a time when bananas are usually less popular."

UGPBAN renews its partnership with the Tour de France until 2029
Official supplier to the Tour de France since 2019, UGPBAN announced the continuation of its partnership with the Tour de France on July 4th. The producers group is therefore recommitting to the world's greatest cycling race until 2029. "We arrived at the Tour de France in 2018 as a sponsor of the team classification. We were immediately won over by the event, and since 2019, we have been an official supplier. Over the years, French bananas have become eagerly awaited at the Tour de France, and we are delighted to extend the partnership for another 5 years," explains Pierre Monteux.

Alongside Christian Prudhomme, director of the Tour de France, Pierre Monteux, general manager of UGPBAN, announces the continuation of the partnership on the podium at the starting village.

Record-breaking banana drive
This year, the banana drive was open to all, for maximum mobilization. The French banana community on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and LinkedIn has been active since June 24th. Producers and employees of the French banana sector, Tour participants, the general public and riders of the Mâcon-Dijon stage all played their part, and the record was broken with 42,997 bananas donated to the Restos du Cœur charity of the Saône-et-Loire department.

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