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Kashmir's stored apples cleared after 10-month wait as demand increases

After nearly ten months in cold storage, apples in Kashmir have been cleared following a surge in demand. According to the Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the clearance comes as the new season begins, with plums and peaches now stored. The delay in clearing last year's apple stock was attributed to a drop in prices from the peak season in October-November 2023, resulting in prolonged storage. "Typically, apples would have been cleared from cold storage units by April or May, but this year's delayed clearance was due to the low demand for apples. Even C-grade apples fetched better returns during the main season," a grower commented, highlighting the unprecedented low rates for cold-stored produce.

The competition from South African apples in retail and online markets has further impacted the demand for Kashmiri apples, leading to price reductions and losses for local growers and traders. Despite these challenges, a recent increase in demand has seen prices for apple boxes, which sold for Rs 600-700 during the main season, rise to Rs 1200-1500.

This shift marks a significant turnaround for growers, with a large portion of Kashmir's apple produce experiencing extended storage periods for the first time due to initially low demand. Kashmir, a major apple-producing region, stores approximately 3 lakh metric tons of apples annually in CA storage units, contributing significantly to the local economy and supporting half of the region's population either directly or indirectly through the apple industry.

[ Rs 100 = €1.10 ]


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