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Vienna Wholesale Market: Several businesses remained closed on Monday

Flood disaster after storm Boris in Lower Austria

Storm Boris swept across Central Europe at the weekend: the situation is currently particularly critical in Lower Austria. The entire province was declared a disaster area on Sunday morning. A firefighter died during a flood operation in Lower Austria. Hundreds of people had to be rescued at the weekend. After the heavy rainfall on Sunday, the situation remained tense on Monday.

After the heavy rainfall in Lower Austria, the rain subsided in the night from Sunday to Monday. However, the respite is likely to be short-lived. Many underground lines in Vienna are closed, the south motorway towards Vienna is open again. Parts of the country are still underwater, not only in Austria, but also in Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Devastating floods in the Romanian province of Galați: four people have already fallen victim to the water emergency.

Vienna wholesale market: several businesses remain closed on Monday
The Austrian capital Vienna is located in the heart of the disaster area. Accordingly, the flood is also affecting day-to-day business at the local wholesale green market, the country's most important wholesale market. "People are not going out to shop, which is why there is very little going on here at the moment. Some retailers are not even open today, partly due to the closure of the A2 motorway. But we can survive that: I just hope that the people impacted can get through as well as possible because the situation is very critical in some places. Everything else can be organised," says a Viennese wholesale market trader.

LGV: 'Only localised damage'
The leading co-operative LGV Sonnengemüse has been largely spared so far, reports CEO Josef Peck on request. "There is only isolated damage. However, production in the protected crops has not been affected so far. We are only lacking light and heat, which is currently restricting production somewhat."

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