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Marius Jansen, JJK Onion Trade:

"Last year, everyone was optimistic during the onion season, and things went wrong; this year, the scenario might turn out to be quite the opposite."

Onion graders are having a good time at the moment. "The price is good and so demand from everywhere. Last year, prices were too high for many destinations, but now they can handle it better," observes Marius Jansen of J. Jansen & Zonen Onion Trading. "I also expect a significant increase in export figures over the last few weeks. I anticipate that they will exceed 30,000 tons, given how busy it is."

"Bale prices for medium-sized onions are around 20 cents, coarse onions at 21 cents and supers are selling for 23 cents. "So there is an upward trend," says Marius, who runs the farm with his brothers Pieter, Henk, and son Jaco. "Last year, prices were as high as 40-50 cents, but that also inhibited exports quite a bit at that time. Last year, everyone was confident about the season, but not so much at the moment. However, things turned out differently last year, and this year could very well be the opposite scenario. But the big challenge this year is going to be seen in the coarse onions and supers."

"We are doing plenty of grading, but due to the growing season, there are some quality issues. Those problems are going to come to light now, especially with internal quality—I expect some significant challenges. It's going to be quite exciting, especially heading into the second half of the season," continues the packer. JJK has ordered two machines from Flikweert Vision for the upcoming season. "I've seen them in action and I have full confidence in them; they will save on labor."

J. Jansen & Sons Onion Trade focuses on sorting and packing onions for exporters and delivers industrial onions to Eastern Europe. "A good number of onions are already being sent to the industry in Poland. We have quality issues in the Netherlands, but the same is true for growers in Germany, Poland, and other European countries. Jaco went to Poland this week, and the onions there are certainly not better than last year. Therefore, I see plenty of opportunities for supplying the Polish industry and packers."

For more information:
Marius Jansen
J. Jansen & Sons Onion Trade B.V.
Hansweertsestraatweg 41
4416 ND Kruiningen
Tel: 0113-382932