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FHF, Frutas y Hortalizas de Fontellas

"We can boast of having the authentic Tudela artichoke with the Reyno Gourmet quality seal"

With only two weeks to go until Fruit Attraction, participating companies already have everything planned for one of the most important events in the fruit and vegetable sector in Europe, which is taking place at a key commercial moment for producers and marketers.

"FHF will once again be in Madrid," says Sara Oliver. "This year we will have a smaller space because there will be more companies at the Navarra stand. It is very challenging to showcase fresh produce without optimum conditions for preserving it, so this year we have decided to surprise our visitors with a different approach, which we hope will help us promote our name at Fruit Attraction."

"Right now, we can already offer a preview of some of the activities we will be carrying out during the fair. On the 8th, at 11:00 h, in the Factoría Chef space in Hall 5, we will be holding a showcooking session together with the Asociación 5 al Día (5 a Day Association), during which we'll be preparing several things, including a tomato smoothie. On the 9th, at 13:00 h, we will be offering a tasting of broccoli omelettes at our stand, organized in partnership with the +Brócoli Association."

"This year, we are also working with Lamuyo peppers, which stand out for their culinary versatility and can be included in a wide range of recipes."

Artichokes are one of FHF's flagship products each season. "In fact, we can boast of having the authentic Tudela artichoke with the Reyno Gourmet quality seal. This is why great chefs, such as Martín Berasategui, with 12 Michelin stars, trust in the quality of our product."

"We are members of the Spanish Artichoke Association, the Tudela Artichoke Association, +Brócoli and the Asociación 5 al Día, and this shows that we are more than involved in promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Right now, we are focused on our participation at Fruit Attraction, and on our return, we will start getting ready for the Vegetable Festival in Tudela, where we will be holding various workshops for children and adults and organize tasting sessions, among other activities."

"At the moment, we are fully involved in the tomato, pepper and peach harvest and, shortly, we will start harvesting our apple varieties. We'll still have to wait a little longer for the next artichoke, broccoli and cauliflower seasons, which should kick off towards the end of October, depending on the weather."

"We will be present at the Navarra stand - Hall 7, stand 7B10C - where we are looking forward to welcoming all visitors."

For more information:
FHF, Frutas y Hortalizas de Fontellas
Avda. Navarra 70 - 31512 Fontellas, Navarra, Spain
Tel.: +34 948 825 916
[email protected]

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