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Topfruit mostly unaffected by recent Cape cold

Recent snow and cold over the Western Cape will not have a major impact on topfruit: in Ceres pear orchards are in magnificent bloom with so many flowers that even if half were damaged by the cold, a technical manager says, there are still plenty for a full crop. In fact, he adds, the cold damage of last season was worse than what they've seen thus far.

In later areas like Grabouw one early Forelle and Panorama Golden trees were in bloom, with perhaps some damage caused by icy rain, but most orchards are wholly unaffected.

The winter cold came late but it has since ticked all the boxes and if the dams weren't already as full as they are, he says, everyone would be over the moon with the amount of snow still on the mountains for its slow release of water.

As it is, flood damage along river valleys is still evident and there were some tragic instances of dam walls bursting. "One has to be careful not to sound ingrateful," he continues, referring to the 2017/2018 drought, "but we've really had plenty of rain this season. Now some sunshine would be welcome."

Abate Fetel orchards in bloom in the Witzenberg Valley

Many orchards are waterlogged, bringing problems of a fungal nature – complicated by increasing restrictions on the use of the fungicide mancozeb – which are exercising the minds of technical teams in topfruit orchards at the moment.

"There's still lots that can happen, we're struggling to get in all of our Fusarium sprays with the weather, but the season is really looking very promising."