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Less apple volumes from Iran this season

Iranian apples are coming onto the market. Hadi Mirzaei, CEO of Darya Noosh Payab Trading, expects a dynamic campaign despite a volume decrease this year.

The grower states: "We had a cold winter and spring in Iran, which reduced apple yields. That said, I can reassure importers that we have enough apples for all markets. There will be no shortage of Iranian apples, nor any change in the packaging offered, which ranges from 4 to 10 kg."

According to the exporter, Iran is not the only country suffering from a drop in yield caused by climate change. He says, "Our neighbors also have fewer apples, and the competition won't be difficult. We can also count on local Iranian demand, which weighs significantly in setting prices. All in all, the season will start with higher prices than last season."

Mirzaei adds that "market surveys and the feedback we are receiving indicate that international demand is high, which promises a higher export volume than last season".

However, the campaign faces serious challenges that affect Iran's entire agricultural exports. Mirzaei explains: "It's not easy to obtain packaging materials, and transport is also a challenge. Yet, we've been living with these problems for years. We've worked hard not to be left behind, and we're getting encouraging results and adapting year on year."

"Payment remains a thorn in our side, due to the economic sanctions imposed on Iran. We show great flexibility in doing business on the international market, which is sometimes taken advantage of by buyers acting in bad faith."

For more information:

Hadi Mirzaei
Darya Noosh Payab Trading
Tel: +989352243937
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]