Exotifruit wants to warn colleagues in the fresh produce trade about a scammer. "We have been scammed by a Frenchman who claims to work for the company Pissier (Rungis) s.a.s. Pissier focuses mainly on grains and does not order fresh fruit. This involves using the original model order confirmation from the Pissier company. Plus we also received a transfer of money on paper from Pissier s.a.s. including the stamp. The scammer has the goods delivered to a bona fide warehouse handler at Rungis," Boy Stuijfzand said. "For further info, people can call us. I also request that people who have had dealings with this man to contact us."
For more information:
Boy Stuijfzand
Exotifruit EU
Mob: +31 (0)6 23518022
[email protected]
www.exot ifruitEU.com
Exotifruit warns for this company and is willing to provide further information. FreshPlaza.com does not accept any liability concerning the data mentioned above. These messages are posted outside the responsibility of FreshPlaza.com and therefore the sender of the message is always mentioned.