Some Moroccan growers and exporters have stated over the last few days that "Morocco Foodex has imposed a launch date for the Moroccan Hass avocado campaign." The same sources indicated that the said date is October 28, and welcomed this "measure which protects the image of the Moroccan origin". However, Morocco Foodex denies introducing any such restrictions.
A Morocco Foodex representative says, "The work we did in the run-up to the launch of the Hass 2024/2025 campaign does not fall outside the normal control framework. We have never imposed a restriction or an official launch date for the season in the past, and certainly not this season."
The same source continues, "We monitor the ripeness of avocados, i.e. the level of dry matter in the fruit, and ensure compliance with the standards of destination markets. Shipments of Hass avocados meeting this standard were in fact delivered from Morocco before October 28. If other exporters have seen their shipments delayed, it was in anticipation of the ripening of the fruit and in no way due to the imposition of a campaign launch date."
"Regardless of the product, avocado, citrus, or other, we do not enforce any general restrictions. We handle each case separately, by monitoring compliance with the conditions prescribed for each product with regard to the standards of the destination markets and the standards of the industry's representative bodies in Morocco," the source concludes.
For more information:
Morocco Foodex