The 4th Iberian Stone Fruit Forum Xtrema Fruit ( has again been the event of the year for the stone fruit sector, with the participation of more than 700 professionals who attended the two days both in person and online. More than 300 technicians, researchers and growers were present at the Feval Auditorium in Don Benito de Extremadura, Spain, where they had a chance to learn about the latest innovations in the sector and take part in a networking coffee organized by Agromarketing in partnership with Afruex.
One of the highlights of the technical presentations given at the forum was a round table discussion which served as culmination of an extensive program of technical presentations that once again focused on the stone fruit sector and the challenges that lie ahead.
The talks held during the event addressed topics such as the new thrips, a new product for monilia control and the potential of crop automation, as well as advanced nutrition, varietal innovation and digitalization.
Business opportunities
The forum also included a networking area in the auditorium hall, where attendees had the chance to exchange experiences, make contacts and generate new business opportunities. This area was designed to facilitate meetings between growers, technicians, distributors and other key players in the sector, promoting the creation of synergies and collaborations to boost the development of the stone fruit sector.
The companies Kenogard, Sipcam, PSB, Frutaria, Ferbio, Agromarketing and Revista Mercados had information points in the hall of the Feval Auditorium where they showcased the latest innovations in the sector.
The biennial event was sponsored by companies such as Sumitomo Chemical and its subsidiary Kenogard, Sipcam, PSB, Frutaria Innovation, Orgánicos Pedrín, Genoma Laboratorio, and counted with the collaboration of entities such as Afruex, Cicytex, Agromillora, UPCT, CIAGRO, CEBAS-CSIC, Cyprus University of Technology, UC Davis of California, Politécnico Castelo Branco, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elgo Dimitra, Imida, Cita, Bayer, Revista Mercados, Don Benito's Town Council and the Government of Extremadura.
For more information:
Antonio Santos
Tel.: +34 666500594
[email protected]