The Moroccan clementine campaign is progressing calmly, with little pressure on exporters when it comes to prices or competition, reports Salma Keroua, executive director of Cap Growers.
The exporter says, "Morocco is still almost alone on the market at this stage of the season. The movement of supply and demand varies over the weeks, but competition is still rather calm. On a commercial level, we can say that we have a good market."
"It's in terms of production that we've been penalized, with volumes only 50-60% of those of a normal year, across all regions: Agadir, Marrakech, Beni Mellal, Gharb or Berkane," she continues.
As for prices, "they are on average more or less at the same level as last season," Keroua says. "In Russia, market prices have remained stable, but there has been a slight decrease due to the devaluation of the rouble. Prices remained good despite a recent increase in the Turkish supply to Russia. In Canada, prices also remained stable."
According to Keroua, European demand increased when the Spanish supply was disrupted by flooding in Valencia. She adds, "The season started with the same prices as the previous season. Prices increased by 50-60% for a while following the floods, but then the market stabilized again to previous prices."
Moroccan exports to Europe have increased this season for a different reason from the floods in Spain, which is the allocation by the government of a subsidy for the promotion and diversification of agricultural exports. The subsidy corresponds to 1 MAD/kg of citrus fruit exported to Europe and Africa, with the exception of the Nadorcott variety, with a ceiling of 65 thousand tons in 2024 and 90 thousand tons in 2025. The same subsidy has been withdrawn from citrus destined for North America. Keroua adds, "The subsidy helps us to obtain good prices on the European market, and prompts exporters to focus more on the European markets."
In terms of varieties, unsurprisingly, the Berkane clementine remains the most popular so far this season, concludes the exporter.
For more information:
Salma Keroua
Cap Growers
Tel: +212661415820
Email: [email protected]