In marketing year (MY) 2024/25, due to favorable climatic conditions, avocado production is expected to total 200,000 metric tons (MT), representing a 33.3%t increase from MY 2023/24. The area planted will total 33,010 hectares, reflecting a one percent growth from MY 2023/24. Exports for MY 2023/24 are estimated at 116,000 MT, a 29.8% increase over the previous marketing year due to higher production volumes. Imports are projected to decrease by 20 percent, totaling 55,000 metric tons. Chileans consume avocados daily and year-round, incorporating them into salads, sandwiches, and various other dishes available in food service. Top-quality avocados are primarily sold in retail, while lower-grade avocados are used in food service for sandwiches, hot dogs, and sushi.
Production According to the Chilean Avocado Committee, in MY 2024/25, from July 2024 to June 2025, avocado production will total 200,000 MT, a 33.3% increase from the 150,000 MT produced in MY 2023/24. Post estimates that favorable climatic conditions and abundant rainfall during the winter will increase yields and overall production. The Chilean avocado planted area reached 33,010 hectares (ha) in Marketing Year (MY) 2023/24 (see Figure 1). Post estimates that the area planted will increase to 33,340 hectares in MY 2024/25, representing a one percent growth from MY 2023/24. The planted area spans from the Coquimbo region in the northern part of Chile to the O'Higgins region in the central-south part of the country (see Map 1). The Valparaiso region is the top avocado-producing region with 20,434 hectares, accounting for 61.9 percent of the total area planted with avocados. The Metropolitan, Coquimbo, and O'Higgins regions also hold significant shares of the area planted with avocados.
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