From the start of the overseas grape season, it was hectic. "Brazil and Peru fell short of promised volumes. Yields per hectare seemed to be lower everywhere. As a result, there were fewer products available, and we saw price levels in recent weeks that I couldn't recall," says Wibo van den Ende of Vita Optima from Bleiswijk. "At one point, prices reached 25-26 euros for mixed seedless, 24 for red seedless, and 22 for white seedless. Prices for the 4.5 kg packages were at 21 euros. That is truly unprecedented."
"Moreover, distribution from both South America and South Africa was not easy. The good news is that the product that did arrive was always of good quality and taste, so consumers got value for their money," Wibo continued. "Retailers have kept retail prices low, as I haven't seen a shop with prices above €3 per punnet, and that has kept sales volumes up nicely. Promotions have been lacking in recent weeks, but that will change at the turn of the year, as promotions are planned for weeks 52 and 1."
Wibo notes that the market is expected to shift in the coming weeks with more fruit arrivals from Namibia and South Africa. "What will come from Peru in the coming weeks is more uncertain for me, as I suspect they will send more to the United States. In recent years, you often see that when there is even a slight surplus in grapes, price dynamics become very firm. However, I am hopeful that the promotions will positively impact grape turnover rates. Consumers are very price-conscious due to the current economic situation, which makes promotions increasingly important. However, it will remain an exciting season."
"An important development in the grape market is the growing demand for better varieties, with supermarkets becoming more selective. However, with the limited volumes in recent weeks, buyers have been very cautious. With all the certifications and MRL requirements, the entire grape market has increasingly become a specialized field, both for producers and exporters as well as importers," says Wibo. Vita Optima manages the import, pre-packaging, and distribution of grapes, along with citrus, avocados, mangoes, and dates for growers, exporters, importers, and supermarkets, particularly in German-speaking and Scandinavian countries.
For more information:
Wibo van den Ende
Vita Optima b.v.
Klappolder 224
2665 MR Bleiswijk
Tel: +31 (0)6 1000 2872