In Khammam district, chili crops are experiencing pest challenges, particularly from 'nalla tamara' (black thrips). Horticulture officials and scientists indicate that this pest leads to yield loss through leaf curling, flower drops, and malformed or stunted fruits.
The infestation of black thrips is notably high, affecting a large portion of the district's chili cultivation. Farmers are concerned about yield loss, compounded by declining market prices. Many report that repeated pesticide applications have failed to control the pest.
Both landowners and tenant farmers face financial strain, fearing they may not recover their investments. The absence of Rythu Bandhu's support exacerbates their situation. Tenant farmer B Satyanarana from Wyra expressed distress over financial losses, having invested heavily in chili cultivation, only to see 50% of the red chili damaged during the first picking.
District horticulture officer MV Madhusudhan noted that the chili crop was healthy until November 2024. Post-cotton harvest, pest issues arose, with black thrips affecting the crop later than usual, reducing the overall impact. Chilli is cultivated on approximately 60,000 acres in the district, with 40% to 50% of the area impacted by pests.
Scientists from Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University (PJTAU) Hyderabad, including Raja Goud and Nagaraju, have assessed the situation in Madhira, Chintakani, and Tirumalayapalem areas, preparing a report for the horticulture department.
Source: Telangana Today