VanRijsingengreen has decided to discontinue its fresh-cut vegetable operations at its vanRijsingenfreshservice division as of 31 March. However, vanRijsingenfreshservice will continue its activities in pickled and fermented vegetables and spices. The fresh-cut vegetable activities of vanRijsingenfreshservice will be taken over by HAK.
In recent years, vanRijsingenfreshservice has supplied a large number of clients with freshly chopped vegetables on a daily basis and has always been committed to relieving its clients of these responsibilities. To ensure that vanRijsingenfreshservice's clients continue to be well served, an agreement has now been reached with HAK Fresh to take over the product range and customer relationships.
In the coming period, all production and customer relationships will be transferred from vanRijsingenfreshservice to HAK Fresh. The teams from both companies are working together to support clients and ensure a smooth transition.
Rogier Hilkes, Director of HAK Fresh: "We are very pleased with this step for HAK Fresh. We look forward to working with our new customers and are confident that we will take good care of their needs for high-quality sliced vegetables."
For more information:
HAK Fresh B.V.
Hedikhuizerweg 31
5222 BC 's-Hertogenbosch
Tel: +31 073 631 32 77