Agro Mediterranea Distribuzione's production of Sardinian artichokes is at its peak, with a significant increase recorded over the past week. "Sales are however suffering because it is the end of the month, a period that is traditionally difficult for the market. We are in a surplus phase, resulting in lower prices. We are therefore promoting various offers in the distribution chains to try to dispose of the surplus and align the fields with the cuts planned for the Easter period," says Filippo Frongia, partner of the company alongside Andrea Manca. The business specialises in supplying fruit and vegetables to big retailers and is part of the Agro Mediterranea Group.
"The fact that Easter is later this year does not make the situation any easier. Ripening has been early for both the late fields and the October-November ones, which usually 'grow back' in this period (thanks to re-flowering, ed.) and which, theoretically, should have arrived in twenty days' time. This week looks like a busy one, with lots of produce that needs to be managed. Some factories have already started requesting mini-artichokes, which will rebalance sales in the coming days. The current situation concerns all varieties of artichokes, from Romanesco and Moretto to Spinoso."
© AGRO MEDITERRANEA DISTRIBUZIONE SRLFrongia highlights how this scenario repeats itself every year in March, so it is nothing new. "The market should shrink over the next ten days but, thanks to promotions and the industry, the situation is expected to rebalance in view of the increase in consumption typical of the Easter period. All of Italy is currently in full production, with an additional influx of artichokes from North African countries, including some from Egypt. It would be ideal to reduce production by half and sell only what is in demand, but it is not easy."
According to Frongia, after the recent unstable weather conditions, a drop in temperatures and some more rain would be beneficial to stabilise the agricultural system. "As for the drought, the recent rain has not been enough to solve the problem in the long term, as the reservoirs have not filled up. However, they have provided temporary relief for crops."
"The production of cherry, Piccadilly, and date tomatoes is declining, but there is hope for an increase in average prices, which have been disappointing so far. Moro Sardo, on the other hand, maintains its stability when it comes to both orders and production, despite the cold weather having reduced yields due to poor pollination. The drop in production is common to all varieties," says Andrea Manca.
"The new Noir tomato cultivar has been a great success, so much so that supply has not been able to fully meet demand. This tomato is currently only grown on our group's farm Sapore Sardo, but we aim to expand the cultivated hectares. We expect to resume production in a month and a half, around mid-April, when the weather conditions will improve. The product has aroused the curiosity and interest of supermarkets in Sardinia. We also did a trial run on platforms in central Italy, where the product sold out in 20 days. We are working to plan a more continuous production," Manca concludes.
For more information:Andrea Manca - sales manager
+39 342 3390390
Agro Mediterranea Distribuzione Srl
S.P. 56 Km 0.500 Loc. Perdalba
09027 Serrenti (SU) - Italy